Posted by Sani Ding on 18th Jun 2020

Advance Painting by Numbers Technique

Today I want to share with you some of the advance painting by numbers technique that have been used by some advance users to ensure that their paintings looks professional.

You will be able to master the following 5 painting techniques as you progress through your painting activities, so don't worry if you cannot do it at the first time:

1. Pointillism:

Use the method of plotting at the edge of colour lumps, can achieve the result of smoke particle.


2. Colour Transition:

Wipe away the water content on the brush, dip an amount of paint and then use the brush to slightly stroke the edge of colour lumps until the edge becomes vague and dummy.

painting by numbers technique colour transition

3. Pinnate Transition:

Use the brush to quickly sweep on the edge of colour lumps until comes into being the shape of rough perforation, then can show the special texture of the object.

painting by numbers technique pinnate transition

4. Light Coating:

Dilute the paint with water and then make a very slight drawing on the dried painting to have a layer of transparent colour. 

painting by numbers technique light coating

5. Embellishing:

After finish the whole drawing, add some details such as dots, lines etc, this can make your painting more lively and vivid. 

painting by numbers technique embellishing

I hope the above techniques add some more fun in your painting by numbers activity. Good luck and remember the more you practise the technique the better your painting skill will become.

We love to see and share the result of your masterpiece with our painting by numbers community. Please feel free to send in an image of your finished artwork to